Essential Tremors Treatment

Date:February 11, 2022 9:53 AM


A nerve disorder, Essential tremor
(ET) is not a life-threatening disease but can affect different body parts.
This neurological condition is often characterized by uncontrollable shaking in
different body parts including head, tongue, hands, chin, arms and larynx. A
majority of people are able to live normal lives with this condition. However,
it is only when these tremors become extreme that they can cause disability.


One of the most common movement
disorder, it is estimated that more than 10 million people in the USA have got
affected by this disease. This neurological disease can affect a person falling
in any age bracket; however, it most commonly strikes a person in his middle
age or during adolescence.


No treatment is also an option if you
are dealing with mild tremors. However, if you are suffering from extreme
essential tremor that interferes with your ability to function, there are
treatments that help you improve symptoms.


Oral drugs can help reduce the
severity of ET. Various drug options include Mysoline, Propranolol, Inderal,
Neurontin, the tranquilizers Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan, and Valium.
Alternatively, Botox is also seen as a treatment option. Botox is best when
used for the treatment of head and vocal tremors. Doctors often start with a
low dose and continue up till the tremors are erased completely.

Business Name Essential Tremors Treatment
Contact First Name Essential Tremors
Contact Last Name Treatment
Country United States
Address 101-24 Queens Blvd Suite 1I
City Queens
State/Province NY
Zip/Postal Code 11375
Telehone 917-722-5381
101-24 Queens Blvd Suite 1I Queens, NY 11375
