James & James - Video Production Company Sydney

Date:November 6, 2015 1:38 AM


Have you watched Fruttare, Establishment Saturdays, Australian Institute of Fitness and Nelly 2015 Tour TVC’s and videos? Aren’t these impressive? James and James is the producer of these inspiring and spell casting videos. If you are longing to have a great video for your brand, corporate, event, entertainment, or TVC then your perfect choice would be none other but of course James and James Production Company. We have the producers and video makers that can make you win the hearts of your viewers. We pack all the videos with aesthetics, professionalism, expertise, concept and intuition

Our exclusive video production services in Sydney include:

Television Commercials
·         Corporate Branded Content
·         Promotional Videos
·         Animated Videos
·         Event Video Production
·         Training Video Production
·         CEO Visionary Videos

Write to us at enquiries@jamesandjames.com.au or make a call at 61 0450 325 908.


201/35 Doody St, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia
